
MWT #5- Buergerfest in Regensburg, Germany

T got a photo taken during the Buergerfest (written as Bürgerfest in German) in Regensburg, Germany last weekend. That was truly a magnificent festival because it was so lively anywhere especially in the Old City of Regensburg.. I can't imagine how many thousands of people visited this German festival. feel free to visit my other sites to see more photos! take care everyone!

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Sylvia K said...

Looks like so much fun! Thanks for the great photo and the info! Lived in Germany for nearly two years, loved it. This brought back a lot of fun memories!

kamz said...

i agree, it looks like a lot of fun! there is a festival that i'm dying to witness: the Landschuter Hochzeit.. hope we can visit Lanschut this month.

btw sis, please update pala my blog link in all ur sites ha? thanks! it is now: http://www.kikamzpera.com/. take care!