
Today's Flowers-Wet Roses In Our garden

The pink Roses in our garden felt quite heavy as the rain last Thursday night poured unto them. Roses are always beautiful. Isn't it the so-called king of all flowers? your idea is great appreciated. Thanks a bunch and enjoy your day!
My beautiful pink Roses in our garden. They are growing good now!

Click the logo and feel free to join and see the beauty of flowers from all over the world. Special appreciation to Luiz and company for this very wonderful meme.


Arija said...

Rain on lovely roses makes them even lovelier.

Euroangel said...

HI Arija, thanks for the visit..have a great day!!

Larry D said...

Roses are indeed special, great photo.

Anonymous said...

I agree, roses are always beautiful, even in the rain!

Eve said...

Beautiful roses!

??? said...

They are lovely - the first bloom my rose produced was shredded on that Thursday, the wind was just too strong. Glad yours survived ;)